Monday, 16 March 2015

Author's Note: Apologies

Hi everyone,

I know I've been absent recently, but I should be back up and writing very soon!

There's no excuse for not updating sooner. The reason is that the past month went a little crazy - there were a huge number of job cuts at work, plus lots of travelling for training. In addition... for the first time since my best friend broke my heart a year and a half ago, there was a guy I was interested in. There were so many red flags, but every time I questioned if he was really ready for a relationship, he'd convince me to see where it went, or tell me that the last thing he wanted to do was hurt me. And I fell for him hard and fast, completely head over heels, and in between the work madness I've been spending every free minute with him.

Untill yesterday, when he suddenly decided that I had been right and there was too much going on in his life for any form of relationship. I'm running on very little sleep and it was a horrible day at work, but now I'm finally home I think I'm OK. Even if I'm not, I will be.

And the good news is that I will have a lot more time to start writing again now, so hopefully next post will be up this weekend. This guy will eventually work into the blog one way or another and you'll learn all (although there is a LOT of drama to come first!). All I can do is apologise for the hiatus and for not giving an explanation sooner.


  1. I just love your writing and your style.
    Thanks for the update. Sorry for the heartache right now. I hope it gets feeling better soon and wish you the best. Looking forward to reading more from you.

    1. Thanks for the well wishes, they're really appreciated. :)

      Next post written and scheduled for 9am Saturday morning, so back to normal!
